First, the painting update. As you can see below, the Winterguard are just about done. I'm going to give the faces and hands a bit of PP Flesh wash, and then one more highlight of Midlund Flesh, and I've got to figure out what, if anything, I'm going to do with their hair. And of course, the bases need a drybrush of bone before flocking them. Paints are GW Foundations, PP flesh tones, and the old Citadel metallics.

Secondly, my next project...yes, it's back to painting GW Terminators. I kind of miss the little buggers, and I can't bear to look at them in their current form any longer. I painted up 10 of them a couple of years ago and then traded them of those miniatures are to be found in an earlier entry.

And, to explain a bit about where I'm coming from, what got me thinking about these terminators was the free Black Reach terminator with a recent White Dwarf. Here it is, built, primed black with some gesso and then just roughly overbrushed with a coat of old Citadel Vermin fur or something.

Which brings me to my daydreaming...I left off the GW hobby, as they call it, at the end of 2006. However, since I've moved to the outharbours of my fair province, GW has got me back a bit, mainly because of the fact that the only thing I can buy here that has any connection with my hobby interests is White Dwarf. And you know, that magazine has improved enormously. I'm not going to wax on about it ad nauseum. The bottom line is that they have changed the balance of the White Dwarf from advertising rag to hobby magazine. And GW's prices are going down for Canadians at the same time as they have almost revolutionized the quality of their models, and apparently made some relatively positive improvements in their rules. Anyways, the long and short of it is that I am so inspired by the new Vampire Counts, Chaos demons and the Chaos Warriors armies that I am going to get my OOP High Elves out and try to do something fine with them. It means coming full circle in a sense as the High Elves were the first army I acquired when I got into wargaming again in 1996.